Shri Jitan Ram Manjhi
Shri Jitan Ram Manjhi Shri Jitan Ram Manjhi
Hon'ble Union Minister for MSME
Ms. Shobha Karandlaje
Ms. Shobha Karandlaje Ms. Shobha Karandlaje
Hon'ble Minister of State, MSME

One Week Training Programme on Enterprises Development through Self - Employment

10 Feb - 14 Feb 2025
09:30 - 17:30
ni-msme Campus
Res: 27500
Non-res: 24500

A major constraint in the effective promotion of self-employment programs is the identification of suitable income-generating activities and the orientation of the youth to take up such viable self-employment activities. In this context, there is an imperative need to evolve pragmatic strategies with a bias in favor of the promotion of sustainable enterprises with potential for self-employment. More particularly when the National Self-Employment programs like PMEGP are implemented; there is an imminent need to orient the promotional and financial institutions about the intricate issues in the promotion of self-employment. Therefore, to promote micro and small enterprises a systematic training intervention, up-gradation of skills and market sensitization needs to be promoted. In order to achieve this, a concerted and holistic approach is to be evolved. In the wake of the developmental scenario in the country, it is considered important to undertake an orientation program on the promotion of self-employment targeting the field level organizers who are required to be imparted conceptual clarity. In this context, a one-week training program covering the above-mentioned issues is to be conducted by ni-msme during 10 - 14 February 2025.

Who can attend?
i) Creates awareness among the officials to promote self-employment and micro-enterprise Development to address the issue of poverty, unemployment, and inclusive growth.
ii) The ability to identify opportunities, plan, develop and implement the employment generation schemes
iii) To understand the intricacies in the implementation of the PMEGP Scheme in the state
Concept of Self-Employment
❖ Self-Employment Programmes
❖ Careful selection of viable activities
❖ Institutional support for skill up-gradation
❖ Potential survey to identify viable Enterprises
❖ Individual vs. Group Enterprises
❖ Financing schemes and incentives
❖ Loaning patterns, margin money schemes
❖ Project report preparation
In plant Exposure Visit
Why to attend?
The program is designed to meet the requirements of officers belonging to the directorate of Industries & Banks. It will also benefit those who are involved in the decision-making and policy implementation of MSMEs in their regions.
Officers of Directorate of Industries, Middle-level Officers and Bank Officials, Field Functionaries of NGOs, Financial Institutions, State & Union Government Officials, Development Officials, Prospective & Potential Entrepreneurs, Business Development Cells, Entrepreneurship Cells. etc.

Register for the programme